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What would you like Mansfield Town Centre to look like in the future?

What would you like Mansfield Town Centre to be like? We’re creating a Design Code which is a set of rules for new and improved streets, buildings and public spaces. 

Mansfield District Council has beaten off fierce competition and received £120,000 from the Government to produce a Design Code for our town centre. We’re one of a just a few councils to receive this money, so it’s a great opportunity for us to take the Mansfield Masterplan to the next stage.

Our Design Code will set rules for new developments, whether these are for new or improved streets, buildings or public spaces. It’s important we get your ideas on how we can make our town centre better for us all.

We’ve created this website to allow you to easily share your thoughts and ideas. You can use this website at home or on the go - simply tag, type and snap when you’re out and about in the town centre!

The initial period of public participation closed on 27th November 2022. Whilst it is still possible to contribute using our interactive map, we are now in the process of analysing your contributions made so far whilst we create a draft Design Code.

How do I get involved?

The council has launched an interactive map where people can use their smartphone or computer to identify areas or buildings and give their thoughts on how it could be improved. It also allows people to add photographs to help illustrate their suggestions. The interactive map also allows people to identify problems and issues with the town centre and what they would like to see in future.

It is easy to get involved, just visit the interactive map and follow these three simple steps:


Icon showing a pin on a map

Zoom into the street, public space or building you want to talk about on the map, then click the green Add a comment button.


Icon a computer keyboard and hands typing

Tell us what you think by typing a few words. We want to know what you like, what you don’t like and what you think could be designed better.


Icon showing a camera

You can also upload a photo directly from your smartphone or computer (optional) by clicking Upload an image.

Have your say

What happens next?

The insights that the council gathers using the interactive map will influence the principles, policies and guidance set out in the Design Code, which the council will consult on before it is adopted as policy.

The Design Code will add more detailed design guidance which complements the Mansfield Town Centre Masterplan. The Masterplan seeks to provide a vision and delivery plan that will guide new development over the next 15 years, while preserving the town’s industrial history and heritage assets. It deals with broader issues including identifying 16 potential sites that could be regenerated or redeveloped.

Project milestones

Initial public participation

October 2022 to November 2022

Members of the community are invited to highlight what they like, dislike and want to change about Mansfield town centre, particularly the key sites highlighted in the Mansfield Town Centre Masterplan.

Design Code drafting and testing

November 2022 to March 2023

The team creating the draft Design Code will use community insights to create a first draft of the Design Code.

Formal consultation

March 2023 to April 2023

The community will have the chance to comment on the draft Design Code before it is adopted as policy. If you would like to be notified of future opportunities to get involved, please sign-up to receive updates.

Find out more and get involved